home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /*
- ** Amster - Navigator
- ** by Jacob Laursen <laursen@myself.com>
- */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <proto/dos.h>
- #include <proto/socket.h>
- #include <proto/utility.h>
- #include <netdb.h>
- #include <sys/time.h>
- #include <sys/socket.h>
- #include <sys/ioctl.h>
- #include <netinet/tcp.h>
- #include <bsdsocket/socketbasetags.h>
- #include <error.h>
- #include <time.h>
- #include <MUI/NListview_mcc.h>
- #include "include/config.h"
- #include "include/gui.h"
- #include "include/info.h"
- #include "include/mui.h"
- #include "include/navigator.h"
- #include "include/prefs.h"
- #include "include/protos.h"
- #include "amster_Cat.h"
- /* Global variables */
- BOOL ServerListChanged = FALSE;
- /* Private prototypes */
- void LoadServerList(struct NavigatorData *data);
- void SaveServerList(struct NavigatorData *data);
- void MarkServerOnline(struct NavigatorData *data, char *server);
- MUIF ServerListDisplay(REG(a2) char **array, REG(a1) struct ServerEntry *entry);
- MUIF ServerListCompare(REG(a0) struct Hook *hook, REG(a2) Object *obj, REG(a1) struct NList_CompareMessage *ncm);
- MUIF ServerListDestruct(REG(a2) APTR pool, REG(a1) struct ServerEntry *entry);
- MUIF ServerString(REG(a0) struct Hook *hook, REG(a1) APTR *contents);
- MUIF NavigatorDispatch(REG(a0) struct IClass *cl, REG(a2) Object *obj, REG(a1) Msg msg)
- {
- struct NavigatorData *data;
- struct ServerEntry *entry;
- char *buf;
- switch (msg->MethodID) {
- case OM_NEW:
- return(NavigatorNew(cl, obj, (APTR)msg));
- data = INST_DATA(cl, obj);
- if (gui_napon) nap_logout();
- get(data->ST_Server, MUIA_String_Contents, &buf);
- if (!gui_napon) {
- nap_login_fromlist(buf);
- }
- return(NULL);
- data = INST_DATA(cl, obj);
- DoMethod(data->LV_Server, MUIM_NList_GetEntry, MUIV_NList_GetEntry_Active, &entry);
- if (entry) {
- set(data->ST_Server, MUIA_String_Contents, entry->Name);
- set(data->ST_Comment, MUIA_String_Contents, entry->Comment);
- }
- return(NULL);
- {
- BOOL selected = FALSE;
- data = INST_DATA(cl, obj);
- DoMethod(data->LV_Server, MUIM_NList_GetEntry, MUIV_NList_GetEntry_Active, &entry);
- if (entry) selected = TRUE; /* One entry is already selected */
- if (entry = malloc(sizeof(struct ServerEntry))) {
- entry->LastOnline = 0;
- if (selected) {
- /* We clear the fields instead of dublicating selected entry */
- entry->Name = strdup(MSG_NAVIGATOR_NEW);
- entry->Comment = strdup("");
- }
- else {
- get(data->ST_Server, MUIA_String_Contents, &buf);
- entry->Name = strdup(buf);
- get(data->ST_Comment, MUIA_String_Contents, &buf);
- entry->Comment = strdup(buf);
- }
- DoMethod(data->LV_Server, MUIM_NList_InsertSingle, entry, MUIV_NList_Insert_Sorted);
- /* DoMethod(data->LV_Server, MUIM_NList_Jump, MUIV_NList_Jump_Active);*/
- ServerListChanged = TRUE;
- }
- }
- return(NULL);
- data = INST_DATA(cl, obj);
- DoMethod(data->LV_Server, MUIM_NList_Remove, MUIV_NList_Remove_Active);
- ServerListChanged = TRUE;
- return(NULL);
- {
- struct ServerEntry *entry;
- APTR *contents = (APTR)(((muimsg)msg)->arg1);
- data = INST_DATA(cl, obj);
- DoMethod(data->LV_Server, MUIM_NList_GetEntry, MUIV_NList_GetEntry_Active, &entry);
- if (entry) {
- if (*(contents+1) == 0) entry->Name = strdup(*contents);
- else entry->Comment = strdup(*contents);
- DoMethod(data->LV_Server, MUIM_NList_Redraw, MUIV_NList_Redraw_Active);
- ServerListChanged = TRUE;
- }
- return(NULL);
- }
- case NAVI_LOAD:
- data = INST_DATA(cl, obj);
- LoadServerList(data);
- return(NULL);
- case NAVI_SAVE:
- data = INST_DATA(cl, obj);
- SaveServerList(data);
- return(NULL);
- data = INST_DATA(cl, obj);
- MarkServerOnline(data, (char *)(((muimsg)msg)->arg1));
- return(NULL);
- }
- return(DoSuperMethodA(cl, obj, msg));
- }
- ULONG NavigatorNew(struct IClass *cl, Object *obj, struct opSet *msg)
- {
- static const struct Hook ServerListDispHook = { {NULL, NULL}, &ServerListDisplay, NULL, NULL };
- static const struct Hook ServerListCompHook = { {NULL, NULL}, &ServerListCompare, NULL, NULL };
- static const struct Hook ServerListDestHook = { {NULL, NULL}, &ServerListDestruct, NULL, NULL };
- static const struct Hook ServerStringHook = { {NULL, NULL}, &ServerString, NULL, NULL };
- struct NavigatorData *data;
- Object *LV_Server, *ST_Server, *ST_Comment;
- Object *BT_ConnectConnect, *BT_ConnectAdd, *BT_ConnectRemove;
- if (obj = (Object *)DoSuperNew(cl, obj,
- MUIA_HelpNode, "navi",
- MUIA_Window_ID, MAKE_ID('N','A','V','I'),
- WindowContents, VGroup,
- Child, LV_Server = NListviewObject,
- MUIA_NList_Input, TRUE,
- MUIA_NListview_NList, NListObject,
- InputListFrame,
- MUIA_NList_ListBackground, MUII_ListBack,
- MUIA_NList_TitleBackground, MUII_ListBack,
- MUIA_NList_Title, TRUE,
- MUIA_NList_Format, "BAR,BAR,BAR",
- MUIA_NList_DisplayHook, &ServerListDispHook,
- MUIA_NList_CompareHook2, &ServerListCompHook,
- MUIA_NList_DestructHook, &ServerListDestHook,
- End,
- End,
- Child, ColGroup(2),
- Child, ST_Server = StringObject,
- MUIA_HorizWeight, 400,
- StringFrame,
- End,
- Child, ST_Comment = StringObject,
- MUIA_HorizWeight, 400,
- StringFrame,
- End,
- End,
- Child, RectangleObject,
- MUIA_FixHeight, 8,
- MUIA_Rectangle_HBar, TRUE,
- End,
- Child, HGroup,
- Child, BT_ConnectConnect = SimpleButton(MSG_NAVIGATOR_CONNECT_GAD),
- Child, BT_ConnectRemove = SimpleButton(MSG_NAVIGATOR_REMOVE_GAD),
- Child, BT_ConnectAdd = SimpleButton(MSG_NAVIGATOR_ADD_GAD),
- /*
- Child, HGroup,
- Child, BT_Update = SimpleButton(MSG_NAVIGATOR_UPDATE_GAD),
- End,
- */
- End,
- End,
- TAG_MORE, msg->ops_AttrList))
- {
- data = INST_DATA(cl, obj);
- data->LV_Server = LV_Server;
- data->ST_Server = ST_Server;
- data->ST_Comment = ST_Comment;
- DoMethod(obj, MUIM_Notify, MUIA_Window_CloseRequest, TRUE, obj, 3, MUIM_Set, MUIA_Window_Open, FALSE);
- DoMethod(LV_Server, MUIM_Notify, MUIA_NList_TitleClick, MUIV_EveryTime, LV_Server, 4, MUIM_NList_Sort3, MUIV_TriggerValue, MUIV_NList_SortTypeAdd_2Values, MUIV_NList_Sort3_SortType_Both);
- DoMethod(LV_Server, MUIM_Notify, MUIA_NList_TitleClick2, MUIV_EveryTime, LV_Server, 4, MUIM_NList_Sort3, MUIV_TriggerValue, MUIV_NList_SortTypeAdd_2Values, MUIV_NList_Sort3_SortType_2);
- DoMethod(LV_Server, MUIM_Notify, MUIA_NList_SortType, MUIV_EveryTime, LV_Server, 3, MUIM_Set, MUIA_NList_TitleMark, MUIV_TriggerValue);
- DoMethod(LV_Server, MUIM_Notify, MUIA_NList_SortType2, MUIV_EveryTime, LV_Server, 3, MUIM_Set, MUIA_NList_TitleMark2, MUIV_TriggerValue);
- /* DoMethod(LV_Server, MUIM_NList_Sort3, 1, MUIV_NList_SortTypeAdd_2Values, MUIV_NList_Sort3_SortType_Both);*/
- DoMethod(BT_ConnectConnect, MUIM_Notify, MUIA_Pressed, FALSE, obj, 1, NAVI_CONNECT);
- DoMethod(BT_ConnectRemove, MUIM_Notify, MUIA_Pressed, FALSE, obj, 1, NAVI_REMOVESERVER);
- DoMethod(BT_ConnectAdd, MUIM_Notify, MUIA_Pressed, FALSE, obj, 1, NAVI_ADDSERVER);
- /* DoMethod(BT_Update, MUIM_Notify, MUIA_Pressed, FALSE, obj, 1, NAVI_GETNAPIGATOR);*/
- DoMethod(LV_Server, MUIM_Notify, MUIA_NList_DoubleClick, MUIV_EveryTime, obj, 1, NAVI_CONNECT);
- LoadServerList(data);
- DoMethod(LV_Server, MUIM_Notify, MUIA_NList_Active, MUIV_EveryTime, obj, 1, NAVI_GETSERVER);
- set(ST_Server, MUIA_String_AttachedList, LV_Server);
- DoMethod(ST_Server, MUIM_Notify, MUIA_String_Contents, MUIV_EveryTime, ST_Server, 4, MUIM_CallHook, &ServerStringHook, MUIV_TriggerValue, 0);
- DoMethod(ST_Comment, MUIM_Notify, MUIA_String_Contents, MUIV_EveryTime, ST_Server, 4, MUIM_CallHook, &ServerStringHook, MUIV_TriggerValue, 1);
- return((ULONG)obj);
- }
- return(0);
- }
- void LoadServerList(struct NavigatorData *data)
- {
- BPTR fh;
- char buf[1024];
- int line = 0;
- struct ServerEntry *entry;
- LONG argarray[] = { NULL, NULL, NULL };
- struct RDArgs *rdargs;
- if (fh = Open("PROGDIR:Amster.servers", MODE_OLDFILE)) {
- while (FGets(fh, buf, sizeof(buf))) {
- line++;
- if (rdargs = AllocDosObject(DOS_RDARGS, NULL)) {
- rdargs->RDA_Buffer = NULL;
- rdargs->RDA_Source.CS_Buffer = buf;
- rdargs->RDA_Source.CS_Length = strlen(buf);
- argarray[2] = 0;
- if (ReadArgs(argstr, argarray, rdargs)) {
- if (entry = malloc(sizeof(struct ServerEntry))) {
- entry->Name = strdup((char *)argarray[0]);
- entry->LastOnline = *((long *)argarray[1]);
- if (argarray[2]) entry->Comment = strdup((char *)argarray[2]);
- else entry->Comment = strdup("");
- entry->Ping = -1;
- DoMethod(data->LV_Server, MUIM_NList_InsertSingle, entry, MUIV_NList_Insert_Sorted);
- }
- }
- else gui_debugf("Error parsing '%s' line #%ld\n", "PROGDIR:Amster.servers", line);
- FreeDosObject(DOS_RDARGS, rdargs);
- }
- }
- Close(fh);
- DoMethod(data->LV_Server, MUIM_NList_Sort);
- }
- }
- void SaveServerList(struct NavigatorData *data)
- {
- struct ServerEntry *entry;
- BPTR fh;
- char buf[1024];
- int i;
- fh = Open("PROGDIR:Amster.servers", MODE_NEWFILE);
- if (!fh) return;
- for (i=0; ; i++) {
- DoMethod(data->LV_Server, MUIM_NList_GetEntry, i, &entry);
- if (!entry) break;
- if (entry->Comment) {
- if (entry->Comment[0] != '\0')
- sprintf(buf, "%s %ld COMMENT \"%s\"\n", entry->Name, entry->LastOnline, entry->Comment);
- else sprintf(buf, "%s %ld\n", entry->Name, entry->LastOnline);
- }
- else sprintf(buf, "%s %ld\n", entry->Name, entry->LastOnline);
- Write(fh, buf, strlen(buf)); /* Should be buffered, check FWrite */
- }
- Close(fh);
- ServerListChanged = FALSE;
- }
- void MarkServerOnline(struct NavigatorData *data, char *server)
- {
- struct ServerEntry *entry=0;
- struct DateStamp *ds, *rds;
- int i;
- BOOL new = FALSE;
- for (i=0; ; i++) {
- DoMethod(data->LV_Server, MUIM_NList_GetEntry, i, &entry);
- if (!entry) break;
- if (strcmp(server, entry->Name) == 0) break;
- }
- if (!entry) { /* Server not already on list */
- if (prf->ServerList < 2) return;
- if (entry = malloc(sizeof(struct ServerEntry))) {
- entry->Name = strdup(server);
- entry->LastOnline = 0; /* In case we don't succeed later on... */
- entry->Comment = strdup("");
- entry->Ping = -1;
- new = TRUE;
- }
- }
- if (ds = malloc(sizeof(struct DateStamp))) {
- memset(ds, 0, sizeof(struct DateStamp));
- if (rds = DateStamp(ds)) {
- entry->LastOnline = rds->ds_Days*24*60*60 + rds->ds_Minute*60 + rds->ds_Tick/50;
- if (new)
- DoMethod(data->LV_Server, MUIM_NList_InsertSingle, entry, MUIV_NList_Insert_Sorted);
- else
- DoMethod(data->LV_Server, MUIM_NList_Redraw, i);
- ServerListChanged = TRUE;
- }
- free(ds);
- }
- }
- MUIF ServerListDisplay(REG(a2) char **array, REG(a1) struct ServerEntry *entry)
- {
- struct ClockData *cd;
- static char buf[20], buf2[20];
- if (entry) {
- *array++ = entry->Name;
- if (entry->LastOnline == 0) *array++ = "-";
- else {
- if (cd = malloc(sizeof(struct ClockData))) {
- Amiga2Date(entry->LastOnline, cd);
- sprintf(buf, "%02d/%02d/%d %02d:%02d:%02d", cd->month, cd->mday, cd->year, cd->hour, cd->min, cd->sec);
- *array++ = buf;
- free(cd);
- }
- else *array++ = "-";
- }
- *array++ = entry->Comment;
- if (entry->Ping >= 0) {
- sprintf(buf2, "%ld", entry->Ping);
- *array = buf2;
- }
- else *array = "-";
- }
- else {
- *array++ = (char *)MSG_NAVIGATOR_LIST_SERVER;
- *array++ = (char *)MSG_NAVIGATOR_LIST_COMMENT;
- *array = (char *)MSG_NAVIGATOR_LIST_PING;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- MUIF ServerListCompare(REG(a0) struct Hook *hook, REG(a2) Object *obj, REG(a1) struct NList_CompareMessage *ncm)
- {
- struct ServerEntry *entry1 = ncm->entry1;
- struct ServerEntry *entry2 = ncm->entry2;
- LONG col1 = ncm->sort_type & MUIV_NList_TitleMark_ColMask;
- LONG col2 = ncm->sort_type2 & MUIV_NList_TitleMark2_ColMask;
- ULONG result = 0;
- if (ncm->sort_type == MUIV_NList_SortType_None) return (0);
- if (col1 == 0) {
- if (ncm->sort_type & MUIV_NList_TitleMark_TypeMask)
- result = (LONG) stricmp(entry2->Name, entry1->Name);
- else
- result = (LONG) stricmp(entry1->Name, entry2->Name);
- }
- else if (col1 == 1) {
- if (ncm->sort_type & MUIV_NList_TitleMark_TypeMask)
- result = entry2->LastOnline - entry1->LastOnline;
- else
- result = entry1->LastOnline - entry2->LastOnline;
- }
- else if (col1 == 2) {
- if (ncm->sort_type & MUIV_NList_TitleMark_TypeMask)
- result = (LONG) stricmp(entry2->Comment, entry1->Comment);
- else
- result = (LONG) stricmp(entry1->Comment, entry2->Comment);
- }
- else if (col1 == 3) {
- if (ncm->sort_type & MUIV_NList_TitleMark_TypeMask)
- result = entry2->Ping - entry1->Ping;
- else
- result = entry1->Ping - entry2->Ping;
- }
- if ((result != 0) || (col1 == col2)) return (result);
- if (col2 == 0) {
- if (ncm->sort_type & MUIV_NList_TitleMark2_TypeMask)
- result = (LONG) stricmp(entry2->Name, entry1->Name);
- else
- result = (LONG) stricmp(entry1->Name, entry2->Name);
- }
- else if (col2 == 1) {
- if (ncm->sort_type & MUIV_NList_TitleMark2_TypeMask)
- result = entry2->LastOnline - entry1->LastOnline;
- else
- result = entry1->LastOnline - entry2->LastOnline;
- }
- else if (col2 == 2) {
- if (ncm->sort_type & MUIV_NList_TitleMark2_TypeMask)
- result = (LONG) stricmp(entry2->Comment, entry1->Comment);
- else
- result = (LONG) stricmp(entry1->Comment, entry2->Comment);
- }
- else if (col2 == 3) {
- if (ncm->sort_type & MUIV_NList_TitleMark2_TypeMask)
- result = entry2->Ping - entry1->Ping;
- else
- result = entry1->Ping - entry2->Ping;
- }
- return (result);
- }
- MUIF ServerListDestruct(REG(a2) APTR pool, REG(a1) struct ServerEntry *entry)
- {
- free(entry);
- return(0);
- }
- MUIF ServerString(REG(a0) struct Hook *hook, REG(a1) APTR *contents)
- {
- DoMethod(gui->WI_Navigator, NAVI_REDRAWSERVER, contents);
- return(0);
- }